Monday, February 23, 2009

Three Dead Dogs . . .

From one dead fish photo, to two dead cat images, we arrive here at three dead dogs. As stated below for the cat, I am also a dog lover, and can assure you that I find scenes like these profoundly distressing, and consider them a prophetic sign of our horribly hurried times. We rush, we rush, we rush, and heaven help the poor beast that should try to cross the road in front of our rushing automobiles. I took a trip down into West Virginia and Kentucky back in 1989, and came across these three dormant dogs along a relatively short stretch of highway all in one afternoon. I remember thinking at the time that there must be an incredible abundance of canines in that region, that three of them should wind up dead by the roadside on the same afternoon.
I know the subject of roadkill may not be pleasing to everyone, it goes hand in hand with our general approach to death. Death remains a pretty taboo subject for many people. As in the movie "Fight Club", rule number one is you don't talk about death... rule number two is you don't talk about death. But sooner or later everyone must come to terms with death. . . In the meanwhile, please think about driving just a little bit slower, to give the next beast that crosses your path just a little bit more of a chance to get out of your way.





  1. The other day my friend and I had this discussion about photographing roadkill..
    I was suggesting why dont we do that, but as we are both animal lovers it would be a difficult task...AND wouldnt it gross people out, wont they think we are weird freaks loving dead animals? but HEY, its about reality...maybe ART..i dunno
    Maybe Roadkill photos will also make people realise the bad effect humankind have on the animal kingdom, maybe NOT. humankind are so wrapped up in their materialistic ways and status that they wont even notice. Its them who will think we are weird..but who cares then!

    I'm glad I am not the only 'weird' person out there! :)

    :D esi

  2. This is incredible,not that one dog should be killed but three! I wonder if they weren't poisoned?


Don't hold back ;-D