Sunday, March 1, 2009

Signs of Our Times. . .

Coming around a bend in the road entering a small village north of Peronne, France day before yesterday, I caught a glimpse of an odd looking and colorful gate, slammed on the brakes, and got out to go have a closer look. What had caught my eye were the three large letters "C - O - N" which in fact spell a very naughty but commonly used word in the French language. Although it has more than one vulgar definition, it is most frequently used to refer to someone perceived as being profoundly stupid. It can often be heard on streets in Paris yelled out of a car window at another driver whose driving skills were inadequate in a given situation. This word may also be accompanied by colorful hand and arm gestures which cannot be mistaken for friendly waves.
I couldn't imagine why anyone would so brazenly display such a provocative message, unless maybe referring to themself, and posting it as sort of a "Beware of Dog" sign. But when I got closer I realized that the gate panels had been made from a larger sign that had been cut up and welded back together to cover the gate with, as you can see in the second and third photos here. And to complement the vulgarity of the rude three-letter word employed, there is also an upside down literary reference to Emile Zola, the famous author. Go figure !




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