Monday, February 16, 2009

A Pain In My Heart . . .

In February, 1997, I had the occasion to spend two weeks in Haiti around Carnaval time, as mentioned in a couple of earlier postings quite a bit earlier in this billowing blog. Haiti is a beautiful but desperately poor place ; I remember writing in my diary at the time that it was a nightmare in paradise. Although I haven't mentioned it much in these pages, I continue to try to make time most every day for a little guitar playing, and have been known from time to time to dabble in song-writing. While in Haiti I wrote the following piece based on impressions garnered there. The part about grave-robbers digging up coffins to steal the metal hardware on them is factual, it was happening in the Port-au-Prince cemetery and people were talking about it while we were there . . . when people are digging up the dead out of desperation to survive... things are getting pretty sad.
There’s A Pain In My Heart
Am.............................. A
I’ve got my various lotions, I’ve got my various creams
Am.............................. A
I’ve got my various oceans, I’ve got my various dreams
C.................................. Gm
But there’s something missing, right there from the start
Dm................................. E
Yes there’s something missing, and it’s tearing me apart…
There’s a pain in my heart
Am............................ A
You’ve seen all the films, and the doc-u-ment-aries
You’ve seen it in the papers, and you’ve seen it on TV
So you know there’s something missing, but you don’t know where to start
So many things need fixing, and there’s a pain in your heart
There’s a pain in your heart
There’s trash on all the beaches, and trash is in the streets
Dogs are drinking in the sewers, and children with bare feet
It’s clear that something’s missing, beyond the grasp of any art
It’s beyond all rhyme or reason, and there’s a pain in my heart
There’s a pain in my heart
Put your hand on your heart, can you feel it beat
Put your hand on your heart, can you feel it beat
Pledge allegiance to the flag, of some unhealthy state
Pledge allegiance to the flag, of a nation that was great
There’s a pain in my heart
You’ve been eating french fries, for far too many years
And now one hundred doctors, can’t alleviate your fears
And you can feel the pressure rising, deep down in your heart
You know that all the valves are clogged, and its going to blow apart
There’s a pain in your heart
In the graveyard someone’s standing, over one who’s in the ground
One of them is crying, and one makes no sound
One of them is dreaming, about the way things were
And one of them is dreaming, about the way things are
There’s a pain in my heart
Robbers dig the graves up, and strip the coffins bare
They take the handles and the hinges, and they even steal the nails
When the bones of your brothers, are lying on the ground
And your ancestors ashes, are scattered all around
Is there a pain in your heart, oh a pain in your heart

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