I mentioned not too far below in a piece with a dragon photo how much I love poems by Ogden Nash, that bring my childhood flooding back. Another of my absolute all time favorites, of which I still have a copy given to me in 1964 by my Aunt Jan and Uncle Mike when I was rather small still, is Maurice Sendak's classic work "
Where the Wild Things Are". Every illustration in it abounds in pure rumpus-loving wonder. If this book is not already in your home, if you have children, or if you know someone who does and who doesn't have it already, or if you just love beautiful illustration work, well head for Amazon or wherever you buy your books, and pick up a copy soon. Hopefully all the new business the publisher will be getting as a result of this blog entry will help them forget to be mad at me for reproducing this one (just one) image from that lovely book. And if you want to see some other equally excellent illustration art, please take a look at
Theo Ellsworth's blog by clicking here or by following the link I added on the right side here to "Thought Cloud Factory News". If you like Edward Gorey, MC Escher, Maurice Sendak, or John R. Neill (Oz books illustrator), I think there is a good chance that you will enjoy Theo's work also. . . so what are you waiting for. . . go take a look !
A favorite at our house as well. Any idea how many languages this has been published in? 43 perhaps. Another favorite of ours is "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day". With respect to Judith Viorst and Alexander, I posted a rewrite several months ago in my blog.