Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Down the Drain ?

I don't mean to sound pessimistic or anything, but every time I open a newspaper, turn on the TV News, or look at the news on the internet, I keep seeing horror stories about the economy, the climate, and the human race. Naturally optimistic, I want to believe that things just can't be as bad as the mainstream press is making them out to be... but jeez Louise, some of these stories can't help but make me wonder if this magnificent house of cards we have built over the past several decades isn't in the process of being washed right down the drain (like these Autumn leaves in Bruges, Belgium, last November). And if that were the case, well, after the deluge, I guess the question to ask will be one that was the title of a book already : "How Should We Then Live ? (The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture)"


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