Friday, January 9, 2009

Sensory Perception (cont.)

The site just went on and on, around each corner, through each devastated room there were new visions awaiting the intrepid explorer who would brave the fear of awakening vampires or other sleeping ghouls to set foot in this place abandoned by all normal human life long ago, left to molder away victim of depredations carried out by drunken depraved souls... a scene from the end of the world.

A sky blue room had been totally trashed...

Some of the spray can wielding vandals who haunt the place may be consuming other psycho-active substances besides alcohol...

Causing them to see visions reminiscent of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch... one has to wonder whether the author of this little gem was familiar with the Norwegian work...

But the final message was one of love... perhaps there is some hope yet for humanity...

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