Friday, January 23, 2009

Rudi Stern Reprise !

A few earlier posts in this blog have been in tribute to Rudi Stern, who passed away in Cadiz, Spain, in 2006, and there is still more to come. In February, 1997, Carnaval time in the Caribbean, he hosted us at the house where he was living in Haiti for two unforgettable weeks. He is turning out to be an unforgettable guy, and I miss him alot. There is a fairly fascinating interview that was done with him on this website.
There is another article about him here... in which he was quoted as saying :
"It's theatre because the intention of theatre from the beginning, which is long lost now, is magic," "Magic is an essential component of theatre. It's the space in which unexpected things can happen on a human scale."
He sent my wife and I this original watercolor that he did in 1997 not long after our trip to Haiti. For me it captures his New York City spirit and magical capacity to paint vibrant color and light into living energy. In my own small way, I am hoping the energy I am pouring into creating this blog experience is bringing a little magic to anyone who may by chance stumble in here... which was the goal at the outset when I had to choose a name for it... Magic Lantern Show...

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