Thursday, January 22, 2009

How Now Cow ?

If you were hoping for a zebra after the tantalizing post just below here that mentioned the eclectic subject of zebrology, I am sorry to disappoint ; this is not a zebra... it is a cow.
But the question oft posed in childhood : "How now (brown) cow ?", remains as valid and pertinent today as ever. How now cow shall we find intelligent (versus barbarous) solutions to the over population of the planet by humans (which is to the detriment of most other species besides cockroaches) ? How now cow shall we put an end to ignorance and illiteracy among bovines and humans alike ? How now cow shall we find creative ways to fund artists so they can pursue their various endeavors without having to work in horrendously stultifying jobs just to survive ? How now cow shall we find a just solution for the Palestinian people so they can leave the refugee camps in Lebanon and leave the Gaza strip and begin slowly to live somewhat more normal lives again ? How now cow can we eliminate brutal violence perpetrated by heavily armed bipeds for whom life on this miraculous Earth obviously has no value ? How now cow can we find some semblance of economic stability while reducing the irrationally huge differences in wealth and distribution of resources on this very limited planet ? How now cow can we appropriately punish the horribly greedy bankers who brought this latest round of idiocy down upon our collective heads ? How now cow can we continue to live on this planet without destroying it ?
Well, I could go on, but I guess you get my drift by now... sorry if I was boring anyone... I know, I'm a little long-winded sometimes... mmmmmooooooooooooooooooo... by the way, this photo was taken near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA using a Canon A1 and Kodak TriX 400 film.

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