Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Future !

I started out near the very beginning of this blog by saying that oftentimes it is interesting to look at things from both sides, going so far as to post the lyrics to Joni Mitchell's lovely song "Both Sides Now" (please go purchase some of Joni's disks that I may be forgiven). I did this pair of photos outside Victoria Station in London in 1986... or was it Charing Cross ? Or St Pancreas Station ? And liked the front so much I had to get the rear view as well...
Well whichever station it was, sorry, but coming up on half a century my memory isn't always what it used to be. Sure sign of a mis-spent youth. What I really found striking in these images was how everyone seems to be studiously walking away from the banner bearing proseletyzing evangelical... no one seems to be paying any attention ! The man walking by in the second picture here looks particularly grim in his refusal to see the nearby light. Perhaps thus missing a chance at salvation, never too late to repent, right ? Am listening to Leonard Cohen's very pertinent song while typing this up... The Future


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