Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Three Tombs

And before hitting the sack tonight, here is one last addition to the theme of three... three tombs in various degrees of upright or leaning attitudes, whether right of center or left... shades of Pisa... a photo taken on the first day out last summer with the new camera... well, I warned you I was a haunter of graveyards...

And as I stood admiring the solemn splendor and serenity of these three memorials to souls long parted on their final journey, suddenly a bright flash of lurid green light split the skies... World War Three had just begun with an opening salvo of nuclear bombs over Paris, emitting blinding flashes of obscene green radiance which observers just had time to take in before joining the light and mists and clouds... merging into the dreamworld... where all are one and one is all...


  1. told you I would find a cemetary post for my that lurid green did you get that effect???

  2. Ah - Shrek's final resting place is found at last!


Don't hold back ;-D