Monday, December 15, 2008

Nick Bantock !

While I'm doing promotional work for certain artists I happen to admire, I have never met Nick Bantock, although I'd love to, but I was given a copy of his Griffin & Sabine Trilogy a few years back, and it is a treasured piece in my small library. Mr Bantock is quite simply an amazingly creative artist. If you are not already among the 5 million people having purchased his books already, please remedy that deficiency ASAP, get out your credit card and head for Amazon or wherever. Here is the cover of the box set of the Griffin & Sabine Trilogy :

Given my previously stated predilection for postage stamps (see below Stamps! post) I particularly like the stamp related work that runs through Griffin & Sabine... here is one example, for which I ask profound foregiveness for reproducing here, as mentioned above, it is done with the laudable intention of helping encourage people to go out and purchase Mr Bantock's work. On his website there is other original art for sale, check it out...

Of all the pieces in the Griffin & Sabine Trilogy which I liked the most, this Zebra is high on the list... understandable in light of the piece below under Zebra Zeitgeist... there will be more zebras coming soon to this blog. Promised. Thanks Nick for all the wonderful art !

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