Monday, December 22, 2008

A Life In A Day (cont.)

Did any of you play the game "Mille Bornes" when you were little, that French road trip game with big playing cards ? We had a set at my grandparent's house, maybe playing that game when I was very young is what started the wheels turning that brought me to France later on... anyway, this here yellow and white (damaged) object is a "borne"... a little the worse for wear. Although I've been down this street uncountable times in the car, I never noticed it until today, on foot... we miss so much by driving around in a rush all the time...

And walking along towards Chantilly, this nice patch of weathered wall leapt out at me... again scenery I had never really paid attention to until today, on foot, camera in hand...

Another roadside mirror... Mirror, mirror on the wall, which one is fairest of them all ?

Driving by all those hundreds of times, I had never looked up to see the old sign painted on the side of this building. It says they do painting work, although judging by the state of the paint on this exterior wood... one has to wonder about their painting skills...

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