Sunday, November 2, 2008

Up A Tree

When life starts looking ugly, I head for the woods; which are abundant in my neck of the woods, as it were. Is that the light at the end of the tunnel down there in the distance? Or the tunnel at the end of the light? Or the headlight of an on-coming train?

In any case, walking in the woods is good for the soul, I can't imagine not having woods to explore. Some of my earliest memories are from escapades in the woods. Near my childhood home there was a stretch of woods with a creek running through it, we spent countless hours and days in there, in our secret world.

And I've sometimes been guilty of barking up trees...

This is another view barking up a tree, whether the wrong one, or the right one, I don't know...

1 comment:

  1. I concur...I cannot imagine not walking in the woods either...I go every chance I get..My sons friends are surprised everytime I say let's go on a hike in the woods guys....They are still depending on me to drive so they go on these adventures with me...For my eldest's 16th birthday (Nov 1st) I set up a birthday surprise in the woods by our house. Pizza, Cake Ballons, presents, beverages...we did it ahead of time and then just took him and his friends on a hike like we normally do and voila...we came upon the party ! It was very cool ! He was so surprised...great memories...was glad the critters left everything alone !


Don't hold back ;-D