Monday, December 1, 2008

Tanned Car !

This joyous photograph is a postcard (not mine) showing a work of art by an extraordinary frenchman named Bertrand Chenu who is a sculptor, painter, junkyard haunter, genius who is also the keeper of a small but wonderful museum nears Cahors in southern France called the Museum of the Absurd, (le Musée de l'Insolite), which is chock full of astonishing pieces of incredibly imaginative, creative work like this one. His love for ancient cars in various states of dilapidation and his penchant for rummaging in obscure junkyards told me right away when I met him that we were birds of a feather. I will be posting more on Bertrand soon, as he is one of the most extraordinary artists I've ever come across anywhere, and if in any small way I can help bring anyone into his museum, so much the better. So... if you are in France, don't miss it, go to Cahors, then track down the Museum. He has a web site at :

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