Thursday, November 27, 2008

Highway Star

Earlier in the blog I posted a photo of an armchair taken in the EntrepĂ´ts de Bercy, the ancient wine warehouses along the Seine in Paris, which have disappeared long since. That same day, in another corner of that vast area which was bulldozed to make way for apartments for the wealthy, I stumbled on this graveyard for street signs. In case you had ever wondered where street signs went to die in France, now you know. It was tough to photograph, as the sun was glaring down on all the signs, and it didn't occur to me until much too late to take the picture from the other direction to avoid the glare... and then just print it up side down to get the text right side up... does that make sense??? Anyway, too bad, this flawed photo will have to do. What I would give to go back and plunge into that pile and flip over all the buried ones, I'm sure there was hidden treasure there. But such is life, wishing for what can never be... and how I would love to follow the sign on the right and get on the highway heading for Lyon and points South... many a fine road trip here in France has started following similar signs toward Lyon... if Paris is the City of Light ; Lyon is the City of Dreams ...

1 comment:

  1. You come across some amazing subject matter. The sign photo speaks volumes. If you'd like to join our Thanksgiving, come on over to my blog and see the family.


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